John Cameron's personal blog

Serious discussion about your financial position now - and in the future.


We have the lowest interest rates in our history, and the Reserve Bank warns that we are in for a prolonged period of low rates.

But just how low can they go?

Well, there are trillions of dollars world-wide that is currently subject to NEGATIVE rates. That’s right, NEGATIVE interest rates.

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1948 Hits

Four Points to Note About Recent Rants, Furphies and Beat-Ups Around Tax and Franking Credits.

There has recently been serious concerns expressed in major media, about investors in account based pensions (it applies to other vehicles as well, but most of the rant has been about pensions).

The “concern” goes like this: “because a lower company tax rate will mean companies are paying lower tax, the will have fewer franking credits to pass on, and investors will get smaller tax refunds.”

Oh, save me. There is a serious misunderstanding here.

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1905 Hits